Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses
The group offers various bachelor’s (“B”) and master’s (“M”) theses for students in informatics.
Interested students may directly contact the corresponding supervisors for further details. To some extent, variations of the topics are possible.
UROP – Summer Student Internships
This page also lists available summer projects for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (“U”).
If you are interested in one of the projects offered below, please get in touch directly with the supervisor listed on this page. For more information about previous UROP projects at USI, please take a look at the USI – Internships.
Completed Projects
Type | Title | Student | Supervisor(s) | Completed |
B | Creating an Experimental Apparatus for a... | Robert Jans | | January, 2021 |
M | Personalized Shared Public Displays: Sup... | Filip Zivkovic | | September, 2018 |
U | MoviePlus – A Platform for Sharing Dig... | Bianca Stancu | | September, 2018 |
U | Collaborative Economy Practices and Comm... | Masako Kitazaki | | June, 2018 |
U | Just Share It: A Decentralized Autonomou... | Egor Ermolaev | | May, 2018 |
M | Evaluating Secure Personal Memory Sharin... | Jacob Jeyara | | February, 2018 |
B | A Web-based Application for Visualizing ... | Federico Pfahler | | February, 2018 |
M | A tangible interface for controlling cap... | Matteo Pontiggia | | September, 2017 |
M | Investigating the dichotomy of sharing p... | Jeremías Albano | | July, 2017 |
B | Personalized Public Displays: Designing ... | Francesco Saverio Zuppichini | | June, 2017 |
M | Attentive Public Displays: Understanding... | Cristian Gomez Mora | | September, 2016 |
U | Roaming Objects – Object-encoded D... | Lucas Pennati | | August, 2016 |
B | Public Displays for Monitoring and Impro... | Matteo Piergiovanni | | June, 2016 |
M | WeatherUSI: Crowd Sourcing the Weather o... | Ahmed Fouad | | January, 2016 |
B | SmartHelmet: Using LIDAR sensing to aler... | Filippo Ferrario | | September, 2015 |
M | A Classification Scheme of Lifelogging U... | Daniel Cardozo | | September, 2015 |
U | A Toolchain for Visual Memory | Lucas Pennati | | August, 2015 |
U | Co-Located AR Based Display Sharing | Alexander North | | August, 2015 |
M | Uncovering needs and requirements for da... | Nadeen Alkaydi | | August, 2015 |
B | Displays Mobile Application: A Mobile In... | Talal El Afchal | | June, 2015 |
B | PulseCam: Capture your truly significant... | Christian Vuerich | | May, 2015 |
M | NDA: Developing Networked Public Display... | Miloš Nikolić | | September, 2014 |
M | Reactive Displays: Supporting Dynamic Di... | Alessandro Gusmeroli | | September, 2014 |
U | Re-Live the Moment: Visualizing Run Expe... | Jesper Findahl | | August, 2014 |
M | Shadow: An Application Selection Interfa... | Federico Scacchi | | August, 2014 |
B | Tacita-Mobile: Controlling Content Prese... | Mattia Candeloro | | June, 2012 |
B | USIDisplays: Designing a Multi-Applicati... | Marcello Romanelli | | June, 2012 |
M | A Crowd-Sensor for Context-Aware Public ... | Pietro Formenti | | September, 2011 |
B | FunSquare: The Community Interface | Andrea Michelotti | | June, 2011 |
B | FunSquare: The Fun Fact Generator | Thomas Selber | | June, 2011 |
B | FunSquare: The Context Collector | Matteo Bellan | | June, 2011 |
B | Table Tennis Paddle Detection Library fo... | Fabio Rambone | Randolf Schärfig | June, 2011 |
B | Public Reactive Displays | Federico Caputo | | September, 2010 |